Day 17 – I’m a Rocketman

That’s my Aunty Pat, who says, ‘don’t call me Aunty Pat, you’re too old for that!’ She was a brilliant hostess, not only did she put me up for the night, but she insisted on washing my stinky thermals and generally running me about so that I could say hello to other paddling pals that lived locally, before i hit the water again in the morning.

And hit it I did, running. I ran with the wind and the tide, from about 1115. To be honest I was running so well that I nearly didn’t stop for lunch. Every few waves gave an elongated surf and I was having a ball. Until of course nature intervened.

So I headed into Armadale on the south of Skye’s Sleat peninsula. I turned into the bay just past the pier knowing full well that Caledonian MacBrayne allow soggy seafaring types to use their facilities. Before I got the chance to answer the call though I spotted some other kayaks beached on the shore. Not one to miss a trick I called out to the gents on the shore ‘have you seen a small dog?’.

I couldn’t believe it when one of them actually asked me ‘what sort of dog?’ Then I spotted that I knew some of the faces lining the shore, a-ha, something’s afoot here. It was only a couple of moments before Monsieurs Willis and Brown stepped into view. Simon was filming Gordon’s new production, like Hot Shots – Part Deux, but in kayaks.

I tried not to munch my Ginger Bread loaf too noisily for fear of upsetting the take of Gordon explaining how to look good in a storm cag, not that I am sure you can do such a thing.

Last laughs as always fall with Mr Brown who knows my mindset all too well. As a top level, long in the tooth, kayak coach he knows that I have a competitive streak wider than a Glasgow Neds attitude.

Yes of course YOU CAN paddle from Armadale to Breakish if you want a curry, but you have to make sure and get through Kyle Rhea’s make or break tidal nonsense first. I got through just as the tide turned right under me, but alas I couldn’t make Breakish, only Kyleakin. So at somewhere around 1830 hours i conceded defeat, but snatched victory from its jaws, I was close enough to have earned some curry, a Prosecco toast and some fine company.

Simon did, during proceedings, take the time to film me and ask me some questions. All i can say is I am amazed at how he can edit and produce this so quickly when I seem to fall days behind on my blogging by merely pitching tents and falling asleep.

As for pictures from Day seventeen of the west coast kayak challenge….you’re having a laugh, I had to paddle harder than the Waverley to get my curry!

Maybe I’ll get video uploaded when I get an Andrex internet connection; Better, longer, stronger.



West Coast Kayak Challenge – update from Simon Willis on Vimeo.

Big thanks to Janice Seller for kindly ferrying me to my lamb dopiaza. x

About Bruce

Bruce is a Kayak Coach and Fire Scientist. He has been passionately obsessed by kayaking since the age of 12.
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